It’s one of those once in a lifetime moments that cant be missed.

So which is the best confetti to use for your wedding day. I have my fav of course but its not always that simple.

  1. Tissue paper confetti

    Easily my fav! Usually available in small (1/2“) or large (1”) and an endless choice of colours. It has the longest airtime and if theres any wind what so ever, it will circulate in the air and just create pure magic!

    Both sizes are great, it just depends on your taste.

    Cons: The only issue with this type is that it can stick to your lips or lipstick. Obvs make sure its disposable. Save the turtles :)

2. Dried petals

Traditionally the confetti of choice. It smells beautiful and still looks pretty. It works great but just doesn’t stay in the air as long.

Cons: Can be expensive because you need plenty of it.

This WILL get stuck in your hair and dress and will require some monkey style grooming afterwards (which can be pretty funny). Also, it’s not fun if it goes in your eye.

3. Fresh petals

Also beautiul, colourful, can often be supplied by your florist to be on brand with your wedding style.

If there’s been a confetti mess up and you’re in need of a replacement, this is such an easy and cheaper option to source. Literally £20 later after a trip to Morrisons and you’re sorted. Just requires someone to pull the petals off the flowers and place them into a big gift bag and you’re all set.

Cons: If you get vibrant colours (pinks/purples) and your dress gets wet while the petals are sat on it, the colours can transfer and stain your dress.

4. Canon

Confetti canons are 100% a good idea in my opinion. For the first dance (or just occasionally throughout the evening for a bit of fun (or to scare the sh*t out of innocent bystanders)).

They add a little something extra to the party and the images of course look great.

Cons: Drunk people can never figure out how to use them :)

Go big, or go home - CONFETTI CANON

Look at the effort the guy below is giving to make the shot happen. What a legend!

5. Rice

Its 2025……Who TF is throwing rice!?

Final thoughts -

Tissue always wins :)

Check with your wedding venue if there are any restrictions with confetti. Believe it or not there are some wedding venues that don’t allow confetti at all! By the time you find out though it might be too late. It’s not often something that they disclose so make sure to check. It’s such a shame to miss out on this epic moment in my opinion. Theres always plenty of alternatives - Bubbles, streamers, smoke…… anything that doesn’t need to be cleaned up or damage the environment.

Lastly, make a plan! Confetti moments don’t always ‘just happen’. Having a plan can mean the difference between ‘nice’ photos and absolute bangers!!

If it goes in your mouth/eye…. Don’t be afraid to stop and sort yourself out. There isn’t any point in walking down the rest of the confetti aisle with one eye squished closed. It never looks good.

Personally I think the paper cones are a bit of a waste of time/money. A big basket where everyone can just grab a handful works a treat.

Don’t run back down the aisle. Give yourself time to enjoy all the action. Smile, keep your head up and embrace the fact that people are throwing things at you. I always ask the guests to throw the confetti up in the air over my couples but theres always a few douchebags that go straight for the eye/mouth.

Top tip! - Stop half way back down the aisle and have a nice big kiss. Your guests will go wild, the photographer/videographer will be stoked too.

At the very end of the aisle, stop! Look back at your guests and soak in the love. Its one of the best views you will ever see.


How much tissue confetti do you need?

150g 25-30 guests
300g 50-60 guests
450g 75-90 guests
600g 95-110 guests

Alternatively - 10,000 pieces is roughly about 150g.

Here are a few Amazon associate links to get you started (disclaimer. I would receive a very small commission from purchases from these links. The price stays the same for you guys of course. It just helps towards keeping useful content coming your way).





I think thats enough for now :)


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